This is a very sore subject for me...I think it is wrong for sooo many reasons. But she chose this, and all I have to say is "have fun!" And damn that dr. that implated 6 embryos in a young woman that had already been successful with IVF and has resulted in 6 children already....I really feel sorry for these children because obviously this mother has some issues.
Oh yeah, I saw that picture. I know way too much about this sick, sick woman! I agree, 'good luck.' I feel badly for her mom (who has basically supported the whole brood) and wonder if mom will end up just writing the whole situation out of her life.
Those poor children didn't choose this and I hope they all turn out okay. Even if it means they have to be seperated into different homes...sometimes I think that's the only doable outcome in this.
This woman needs serious help! She's mental!!!
I totally agree with you...what a crazy lady, not to mention the doctor...what's wrong with people, seriously :)
Yes, this is totally wrong! She needs therapy, not more kids.
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