Sunday, May 30, 2010

1 Month Old....

I cannot believe that Cash is 1 month old today.  It really is sad how fast time flies and how fast kids grow up.  really.  I can already see him getting bigger.....he is gaining all his weight in his cheeks, and I love it!  At his two week check up he was 9 lb 14 I am sure he is even bigger now.

He is SUCH a great baby....I am not kidding.  I really am enjoying every moment with him  He only cries if he is hungry, needs to burp, needs to be changed. or is tired...and when those needs are met, he is so pleasant...and is starting to smile.....
he actually even rolled over today from his belly to his back....not sure if he meant to or not...but he was a little surprised when it happened :)

This month has flown by...first two weeks weren't so great...but I feel so good now!  I owe a great deal to my husband who has helped me like you wouldn't believe.  Also to my 3 other kids who are my lifesavers!  My incision has healed so nicely, no infection! Woo hoo! I'm getting the hang of 4 kids...and I do have to say it's not bad at all.  I think that we are so used to having so many neighbor kids over here at our house, it really doesn't feel much different.  The biggest thing is just getting used to the newborn routine again....baths, naps, feedings, waking up at night etc.....oh and diaper bags!

I wish I could freeze time, however I am also excited to see what the other months will bring....he is so much fun and we are so lucky.


Shelby said...

He is such a sweet little man! So glad he is a good baby and no complications with your incision this time!

ashley g. said...

He is absolutely adorable. It sounds like everybody is having a lot of fun with little "Cashy Washy" (especially Chloe- I bet it is so hard not to giggle at her babytalk).

And you know- I can still vaccuum. Even if your incision has healed up all fancy free of infection. Congrats again on such a little beautiful baby.

Kasi T said...

He is super cute. Glad you are having a great time and I'm glad your incision healed all right.

natterbee said...

I can't believe he's a month old already! Jenn and I want to come meet him and visit you. I'm so glad he's being a good baby for you; what a difference that must make!

Shana and Brandon said...

He is way cute! I am glad you are doing okay.