Saturday, March 27, 2010

what's happening?

So the other night I was having a KILLER headache, blurry vision, kind of nauseous etc...
had my neighbor help me take my blood was lots higher than normal,
called the on-call dr. and was advised to go up to LDS hospital...since that's where I will deliver.
Went up, blood pressure was about 160/105....
my normal throughout pregnancy is 105/58
so that was high.
Got admitted, blood drawn, urine tested...blah blah....
baby monitored....
baby looked great!!!
So I guess I was having a little preeclampsia......
I kept hearing the Dr. say "get her blood type incase we do her section (c/section) tonight...
I am not ready for that.....that's not in my plan!!
Anyway, long story short.....stayed through the night.....blood pressure was down by the time I went home...
still had protein in my urine....went home with a 24 hr. urine collection kit...
that's fun.
Didn't have to deliver my baby that night....
and now I am told to REST.....hmmmmm.
the funny thing now is that since I had a little scare.....and had to think of all the things I still
want to do before I deliver....
it's hard to rest....
but i'm trying...I really am.

Except today I went to Costco...
on a Saturday.
And we all know, that's not rest.

But I did stock up on things we needed...
and I am far enough along that if the baby comes, it's not that big of a deal...
however, I have Easter, then Chloe's bday, then Kase's bday
to get through before I have this kid!

However, I have since learned that I really am not in charge...

anyway, I am is fine....
all is good.


Shelby said...

Ugh sounds kinda scary! I'm sure everything will be fine of you have to deliver early but I know you want him in there as long as possible! Good luck and sit your butt down woman!

Shelby said...

Ugh sounds kinda scary! I'm sure everything will be fine of you have to deliver early but I know you want him in there as long as possible! Good luck and sit your butt down woman!

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

Im there with you Michelle. SUCKS!! I have to do a 24 hour urine ONCE A WEEK! I dont know whats more of a pain, doing the test or driving up to IMC. Guess I am prepping my patience for when I start non stress tests in 2 weeks, when I have to go up TWICE a week, FUN FUN!! I hope you are feeling better. I also went to costco yesterday, STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPID thing to do. Utah county women are CRAZY in costco. I wanted to go sit in a corner and have all the samples brought to me.

Kara said...

hang in there and take a nap :)

natterbee said...

What are you doing at Costco?! Take a nap while you still have the chance! Every day!!! This year the baby can be the birthday present/party/etc. and the OTHER Easter Bunny can take care of Easter. Go take a nap. It's the one thing you won't regret once baby comes! :)

Chiara said...

I could have gone to Costco for you with your list! Don't ever do something like that again!! You stay on that couch! I'm a really good Easter Bunny AND birthday party thrower too....what can I do?

ashley g. said...

Seriously Michelle. I say relax... you know... as much as you can with 3 kids...

But, I FORBID you to go to Costco. No more. Just call me and I'll run there for you. And I can help Chiara throw parties.

And I had no idea that there was such a thing as a 24 hour urine test. Sounds like you are having a party over there... hang in there!

The Didericksen's said...

So glad everything is okay!! I can't believe only 24 days til baby due!!