I just have to post how excited I am that we only have 2 more monthly payments for Challenger.....I never in a million years will regret sending all 3 of my children to preschool/Kindergarten there....but sheesh, it is hard on the pocketbook! But soooo worth it! I love that my kids leave there reading so well and learning so much! And they have so much fun while they learn...it is an academic preschool, but not only that.....they are constantly dancing, singing, doing dramas, playing with toys, recess, art, snack and partying over there!
But as I pay our bills, I sure love looking at the spread sheet (thanks mom for showing me how), and seeing 2 more payments and then done!
Our new baby won't be needing preschool for quite a few years......so we have a while.
anyway, if you are looking for a preschool, I highly recommend it.....wouldn't recommend the upper grades though...just toooo much academics for young kids....I have spoken to mom's that have had their kids there for 1-upper grades.....and it's just too strict......a social life is just as important, I think.....just my opinion...but for preschool through Kindergarten it is wonderful!
cheers to no more preschool tuition!
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