Sunday, June 21, 2009

I used to love gingersnap cookies.....

boy how my job has made me hate them now.

I think I did 5 milk/molasses enemas in the last 2 mos. at work...and can't even count how many over the last 10 yrs. as an RN......

I no longer like gingersnap cookies.

The slight smell itself almost does me in.


no pun intended.


Lia said...

Just trying to get caught up on reading blogs. You've had some great ones recently. Loved the picture of Lake Run in the rain.

Nicole said...

Haha...I laughed hysterically at this post. Totally understand.

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! that is awesome!!

melbel said...

I, too, have felt the saaaaaame way! :)

Melinda said...

That is a real thing? I thought it was just something they made up on "ER" to gross people out. Who even made that up - "Hmm, I know, this is a tasty snack, I wonder what would happen if we took the delicious ingredients and made them into an ENEMA???????" abhivoajwe rtiop'funaw9
I just had a stroke thinking about that.