Saturday, June 20, 2009

Chloe & The Glitter Balls

so, I guess the new cool thing are glitter balls...."all the kids at school have them!" So with their allowance, each kid bought a glitter ball....well, the other day Chloe made up her own way to play w/the glitter ball. I wasn't sure if I should laugh or get mad at her...but ended up laughing....too funny!! And no, I do not walk around the house like this...she did not learn this from me!


Char @ Crap I've Made said...

Uh, that's the same thing my daughter does with them. Only she's 9 and hers are the ones that light up. Oops.

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

are those the balls that bounce to the friggan moon when you bounce them? And they cost like $9 a ball? Lily and Jackson get into SOOOO much trouble at Target with those balls!! Chloe rocks!

Debbie said...

I think you should post this one on YouTube. Very funny!

Melissa said...

Oh my gosh, that is so funny! I'm crackin' up over here! Things kids do, oh but how it keeps us young!

Melinda said...

hahahahah one's falling down

Andrea said...

You never fail to make me burst out laughing!!! This is HILARIOUS!

Jon said...

We really should have gotten our girls together more often. Liz came up with the "nakey-nakey" dance which was an after-bath routine for a while. Like you said, we didn't teach her that.

Actually maybe it's best that they didn't spend more time together...