Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chloe's "straight" hair

and as you can see, she has no problem posing for the camera.

so lately Chloe has been asking me when her hair will get long....and I keep telling her how her hair is long, but when it's curly it takes longer to look long.....well, I decided to show her how long her hair really was and my neighbor loaned me a good flat iron...I only had a few minutes to do it before I had to be to a meeting last night, but here's a few pictures....I know if I took my time I could have even gotten it more straight....but I also knew we were going to the pool today and that the second it touches water it would curl up again.....
She just LOVES the way she can feel her hair now on her shoulders....she looks really different to me.....
However after thinking about it during the night I decided that I won't do this very often....she has ringlets all throughout her hair, and I L O V E them....that is Chloe....I don't want her to think that she needs to straighten her hair to be beautiful :) and I am working on find the perfect products for her hair...it is hard to do.....I have found Mixed Chicks hair products online that are wonderful...they keep the curls in perfect little ringlets...but sheesh it's expensive and you have to buy it online.....the leave in conditioner is awesome!
Anyway, I love your curls Chloe! That's what makes you Y O U!


Debbie said...

One of the joys of being a girl is that you can experiment with all kinds of hair styles! A friend of mine with quite curly hair has the best of both worlds because she sometimes straightens it and sometimes takes advantage of the natural curl. Both ways are cute and it's fun to see which way she'll do it on any day.

I know when I went to NYC in the Bronx the stores were just filled with products for extra-curly hair. I suspect they are stocked where there is population to support the purchases - probably someplace local; just need to find where.

Desiree said...

The long look is fun, but I miss her curls!

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

OH I love her curls!! Chloe is GORGEOUS and her curls are a part of her beauty. When she is older she will go through phases.... but seriously, I so hope she keeps her curls alive!! I was watching this show on TNT with Jada Pinkett smith, i think its called HawthoRNe. About a nurse, and her daughter so reminds me of what I think Chloe will look like in 12 years!! GORGEOUS young woman, with a kick butt hair do! check it out Michelle, you would like the show!