Wednesday, May 27, 2009

last football game....

Kase and his buddy Madden with their trophies. And I cannot explain how serious I am when I say that this trophy has NOT left his hand since he got it....he is obsessed with it...

My son...the goofball.....he looks so old in this picture below....I am starting to get glimpses of the teenager he will look like....what a cutie!

seriously...what's with the goofy face! ha! he is hillarious to watch out there.

he's ready

here I think my son is mocking the coach...nice.
Kase and my dad Chloe watching the game....actually, I think in this picture she is so happy because she scored a team snack....probably because it was our turn to bring the snack. She is a trooper, she has attended many many games this Spring and never complains.

we have had a lot of fun watching Kase and all his neighbor friends' play football this Spring. He has so much fun out there, and is FULL of energy during the games....he got to kick off here's a little clip....pretty cute! Love this kid! This was his last game...and love that my parents got to both come to his game...he thought that was pretty cool.

The kickoff...Kase finally got a turn to kick!

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