Friday, February 6, 2009

May RCWilley R.I.P.

Well, after Gazelle like intensity...Juice and I have paid off our $4000.00 balance on our RcWilley card....what a wonderful feeling that is....the lump in my stomach is GONE! If you have not read Dave Ramsey's book on Total Money Makeover, you should....even if you have NO debt...which, if you have car payments, house payments etc...that's still debt...and he gives you the best ways to get stuff paid off, build up your retirement accounts and be on your way to "financial freedom"... try it out! It creates a lot of stress and sweat, but so so worth it! Woo hoo!!! Especially since we were at 21% interest talks about doing alll you can to pay stuff off....selling things, getting an additional job (if that's possible right now)......anyway, we are thrilled and I thought it was worth a post on our blog! :)

1 comment:

Lia said...

Congratulations!! It's times like these that you especially want to be out of debt! Good job!