Tuesday, August 24, 2010


update on first day of school for the boys:

Kai- had a blast, has lots of friends in his class, loves his teacher...says she is kind of strict, but super fun.... they are doing a lot about teaching kids to manage money...which i think is wonderful!  He has to pay "rent" for his desk..which is $200/week...they have to budget their money to pay for everything they need...and rent isn't an option, so they have to pay for that first.....each kid filled out an application today for a job in their class....at first he wanted to be the Sports Announcer because they made the most money, but when he saw that ALL the kids wanted that job, he decided to apply for the photographer job because it is just a tiny  bit less pay and less people applied for that job....he loves this kind of stuff.  Also since they are learning about US History...there is a small chance (if approved) that the 5th graders could get to go to Washington DC....(of course fund raised or paid by parents)...and he thinks that sounds wonderful!  Oh and Kai's teacher is getting married in March and they all think it's so cool because then her name will change...and HOW cool is that!

Kase- LOVES his teacher...Ms Bhakta....she is from East India, but lived most of her life in Nevada...she is beautiful, a U of U fan AND a Lakers fan...seriously.  He also loves it because she has brown skin...and "it's my first time having a teacher with brown skin" :) Kase is so cute.
I guess she is also the Volleyball coach? so he thinks that's cool....however it's her first year teaching so we'll see how that goes....
he has lots of friends in his class and thinks it's cool that his classroom is closest to the bathroom and the door that goes outside to recess?!

Chloe- hasn't started Kindergarten yet...meets her teacher on Thursday....but is really excited to be able to walk home with the boys after school.  She is my buddy and helper around the house...and today I taught her how to play Skip-bo.  She is the UNO champion, so I had to get a new card game.... and she picked it up really fast....it's a lot like Solitaire.  She played w/her cute friend Mollie today and they giggled lots because they are going to be in the SAME Kindergarten class!!!

Cash- no school for a while (thank goodness)....ate lots today, took 2 good naps, had some rice cereal (which Chloe thought was called Rice Spit-up)....and then had a bath.  We hung out in the backyard most of the day while Chloe ate a MILLION otter pops (thanks mom)....and Cash even sampled a few :)

that's all for today....i'm sure tomorrow will be a whole new adventure. 
My husband has back to school night at his school tomorrow night...so I will be wrangling 4 children at Pac meeting on my own...oh joy :)  Oh and Chloe doesn't realize this...but we have a lot of errands to run tomorrow...shhhh.


Chiara said...

I love this post. Such cute updates on the kiddos! I miss you....we should just be neighbors so we can play every day, huh?

kendragreensides said...

I love that Kai's teacher is teaching them how to manage money...that is SO awesome! I taught Business Math at a high school for a while and it was amazing how many students knew NOTHING about managing money. It's good to start them thinking about that while they are young!