Sunday, August 29, 2010

Train Table to Lego Table ~

(got this idea from my brother)

take your train table that your kids don't play w/anymore (which I tried to GIVE away at my garage sale..and couldn't)...everyone thought it was too big...which it is...esp. if it's not used.

spray paint the top w/black flat spray paint- to make the road

glue lego squares onto the table (I used 8...could have used more but I was cheap and didn't want to buy anymore...and wanted to make the road)  The squares are sold at Walmart and are 10x10 in. smaller than I thought.

I put some hot glue on the back and then sealed around all the edges w/clear liquid nails.

bought stickers/labels for the dashes in the road....

and voille!

my kids are having a blast with it....we actually have a "Lego" brand Lego table...but this is nice and big...and they are creating an entire city!
anyway, my brother did this to his son's table...

my kids LOVE LOVE Legos...and have for years...I have found that over the years, Legos are one toy that they keep playing I think this was a good move.

1 comment:

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

I think it's a brilliant idea!