Thursday, August 19, 2010


so...spider bite is alll better...however, I am starting to think it may have been a mosquito that allll the swelling has gone down....maybe he is kind of allergic to them? hmmm...guess time will tell....

tonight was my nephew's here is an updated picture of my kiddos from the party.  Kids went to the dentist today....2/3 are in the No Cavity Club! WootWoot! Chloe has two "tiny" cavities....they will get filled in a few weeks....I am pretty shocked impressed that the boys don't have any....but i'll take it!  Oh and they LOVE the dentist...which I think is pretty cool.

So, boys start school next Tuesday..... I...I mean THEY are excited.  We have had a great and LOOOOONNNNGGGG Summer break, but we need to get back into a routine.  Today we went to the open house at their school and they found their new classrooms that was fun.  Chloe doesn't start until the following week.

Oh and a REALLY cool thing is the kids' school is brilliant! Instead of Friday being short day for the Kindergartners (which is just crazy because it's already super short)....they are just going longer on Fridays but only going to school every other Friday.  Whoever voted for that, thank you.  1.5 hrs on Fridays was just dumb.

Well, we have a few more odds and ends to get for the kids' school shopping....I swear the supply list keeps getting LONGER and LONGER and LONGER.....but I know the schools need it...

anyway, I can't think of anything else to say except that I am washing TWO loads of dishes a day while these kids are out of school....sheesh!  Today I also decided that I am done cleaning until they are back in is just a never ending cycle.....

Oh and tomorrow is the FIRST football game ever at Herriman High...they play Hillcrest if any of you are bored....if you go you get a commemorative coin...I cool, huh? :)

here is my dad holding Cash...and not sure what Cash is doing....

ok...done writing about completely normal, nothing really exciting stuff.....however, sometimes life is just like that....and normal can be a good thing.


natterbee said...

I love this post about the normal, everyday stuff. That's what most of my life is made up of! That is brilliant for the kindergarteners to go every other week! I'm going to pass that idea along.

Be sure to post your first-day-of-school pictures so we can all see how adorable they looked!

ashley g. said...

Amen on Kindergarten. 1.5 hours is totally lame. I guess that gives you (an almost) child free shower and grocery store trip. Glad the voters were smart!

And that little Cash- he is so cute. And the facial expression is priceless. I'd call it "thrilled to be with Grandpa."