Friday, August 6, 2010

3 month growth spurt?

holy cow! I feel like I have fed Cash a MILLION times in the last few days...he is now 3 months old and I am thinking he is going through a growth spurt.....
little stinker.
love this kid.
he is doing big belly laughs now and it is THE best!  I could sit there and listen to him laugh all day long.  I swear 




when he laughs.

The kids also think it's funny...and Chloe said 
"careful or you are going to make Cash pee his pants!" heehee....
she thought that was pretty funny...
and it was.
and he probably really did pee his pants...
he always does.
and I almost did...

not sure how much he weighs....
I can say that he is one handful of chubs on the thighs...
cute chubby hands and feet.
a few chins...
growing out of the clothes I have for him...

a few nicknames are
Cashey Washey
Fan Boy and Chub Chub (you have to know this show)

tonight is night 3 in his "big boy" crib :(
he's out of my room at night...
still wakes up once to eat, but I don't even care...
it's my time w/him all to myself.
and he always holds onto my thumb or finger and it's so cute.

I miss him in my room, by my bed...but he sure is sleeping great in his crib...and I am sleeping better too (after the first night w/out him by me)

plus now he can sttttrrrrreeeeettttttcccchhhhhhh out....
which he does all the time with his arms above his head....
and it's my second favorite thing he does,.....
next to smiling/laughing.

I might have a million kids.
I really would.
but then I wouldn't enjoy it like I do now.
and I really do enjoy 
being a mom...

oh..and remind me to read this post when Cash is 18 months old...
because I may need to be reminded
how much I love being a Mom.


Jennie Brown Stephens said...

LOVE baby laughs and smiles. Ben isnt laughing yet, but he sure has a cute HUGE smile. All gummy and just gorgeous!! I laughed at fan boy and chub chub, Jackson calls ben that too!! Or Sponge bob chubby pants. Amelie is 17 months and I have to look at her old pictures and videos to remember why I do love her. She is a PSYCHOTIC MESS!! SHE IS CRAZY!! Stands on the kitchen table and throws stuff off. Then she tries to JUMP off the table. None of my kids ever went through the terrible 2's.... it was the horrific THREEEEEEES that I dread. But Amelie is surely going to be a terribly terrific 2 year old soon. Heaven hopes she survives until then! You need to post a pic of Cash's chubbiness!

natterbee said...

Okay, this is my favorite post ever. I love being a mom too and didn't mind getting up in the night with the baby (once he was down to once a night!) because that time goes by so quickly. There just aren't words to express how awesome it is to be the mom because it is the most rewarding job in the whole world.

And as for when Cash is a year and a half...he'll be adorable in a whole new set of ways. I keep saying that Avery is the best age ever and then he gets a little older and I say that now he's the best age ever and so on. But really, every one of my kids is great in their own way at every stage. Sorry for the huge comment, your post just struck a chord with me today!