Saturday, July 3, 2010

ha!!! I am not dumb after all!

So, for the past few months...I have been spell checking my blog...and things would pop up that I SWORE were spelled correctly, but I would change because it said so....or not change because I really believed I was right!  

Well, tonight it happened again...and I finally said to myself...."I SWEAR I am NOT that dumb! I can't be spelling all these words wrong...I used to be a great speller! Did the pregnancy kill brain cells? (don't answer that)...."

well, I looked under the spell check and it said "Australia/English"  ha! I had been using the Australian dictionary all this it took me a while to figure it out...but I appologize for the misspelled I am using the correct US/English dictionary....and I should be good....sad how reliant I have become on spell check.....opsie oops!

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