Wednesday, June 16, 2010

day 1 of Summer break

today the kids spent most of the day playing made up games...such as "teddy bear drop"  ...where one child lies at the bottom of the stairs on the bean bag, and the others drop GIANT teddy bears on the one below...
all I heard was laughing....(except the one time Chloe carried the bear down the stairs and cartwheeled all the way down....and then it was still laughing...however, I think she was a little scared)
didn't even let neighbors over to play because they were playing so good by themselves...
I remember growing up playing alll sorts of made up games w/my brothers and our stuffed much fun!
Here they are at the bottom of the stairs.
also got haircuts for the boys from Todd's Barbershop in Riverton...where we always go...nice $7 haircuts....hardly ever have to wait...and kids get large lollipops on the way out the door....
these pics above are pre-haircut.

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