Sunday, March 7, 2010

Kase's before and after haircut photo

so Kase wanted to grow his hair out until he couldn't stand it anymore....he has these big, round curls...and it was so cute....but really started to bug he chose to get it's the before and after. SOO cute, either way.


ashley g. said...

I thought I saw him riding his scooter down the street. But I wasn't sure because of the hair. Lookin' good Kase!

Chiara said...

HANDSOME for sure!

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

He is going to be such a heart breaker!! THOSE LIPS!!! Seriously Michelle...YOU ARE IN TROUBLE!! haha

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

between Kai's dimples, Kase's lips, and Chloe's beauty and pizazz, you are Juice are IN FOR IT!

Andrea said...

That is one gorgeous kid! And his hair looks really good either way. My son keeps trying to grow his out, only it looks AWFUL. ;)