last night. (I went to bed late because I worked til 2am the last two nights and was on a bad schedule)
so finally get to bed at 12:45am.
immediately fall asleep.
feel someone standing w/in inches of my face while i'm sleeping....open my eyes, scared to death. It's Kase who NEVER wakes up at night unless he is sick sick sick.....
Kai is with him....."mom, Kase has a fever...he is hot and sweaty"
take his temp, 102...give Motrin, cool washcloth to the forehead, wipe his eyes...etc....lay him by me in bed. And think "great...tomorrow will be a blast."
He can't sleep.
So he goes, with Kai, into the guest room to sleep.
find Sky Blue the favorite whale stuffed animal....and drag up their own pillows from their rooms.
Me...back to bed...close my eyes....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
2am. "mom! mom! mom! I had a nightmare...." Chloe walks into my room poking me in the side.
She climbs over me and INSISTS on SHARING my pillow...what? are you kidding.?
Now me Juice and Chloe in the bed....
3:00am. Juice decides he is NOT sharing the bed w/Chloe and goes to the guest room....but, the boys are in there sleeping....so, he's out on the couch....
Chloe hears him wake up and leave so she wakes up and is thirsty.... "her throat hurts from talking all day" she says.
I give her my water by my bed.
3:30am Chloe has to go pee....announces it to me, turns on all my lights and goes.
back to bed...my bed.
5am. Kai wakes up in a panic because he doesn't have his alarm clock in the guest room...and I remind him that mine is set every morning...and I won't let him sleep in.....he goes back to bed....but never falls back asleep....until 6:30am...right before it's time to wake up at 7am.
I finally climb back into bed to go back to sleep, squished, hanging off the edge of my KING size bed that is only being occupied in one tiny spot because I am sharing my PILLOW w/my daughter.
Climb in and "reeeeaaaaarrrrrrr!!!!!!!!" the cat has now stolen MY spot on the bed and I about killed it trying to get back into bed.
Throw the cat down and hope it's still alive....or oops if it's not.
Go back to sleep for 1.5 hrs.......
then awake to the worst sound in the world....my alarm clock.
wake up Kai...Kase is staying home.
and begin my day on practically no sleep...and I don't even have a newborn.
I will never ever share my pillow again.
oh the many joys of motherhood :)
Oh man. That sucks. Addison has acid reflux and so my nights are just as bad as that. Every night. And the medicine they gave her doesn't work. UGH!
Grrr... I hate those nights. I don't feel too bad for the cat though :)
Musical beds and no sleep. Right! the joys of motherhood.
hahaha - Sorry, all I can do is laugh...I don't even feel bad for you! ;)- hahahah! I just loved that story!
that is so sad, yet funny! Every morning I wake up to jackson laying literally on top of me because he wants MY spot, because its the "cooshiest" and he wants my pillow, and my blanket. OH the joys of mother hood!
hahaha, you just described so many of my nights. I'm sure it's universal for mothers, but I don't think you ever get used to it! I swear, no matter how many nights you spend like that, it never becomes something you're accustomed to!
I must say that was good form for Juice to leave! My brother Chris says he lets his kids sleep in his bed as often as they like because he knows that soon they won't want to. He has a very good point, so continue to endure. More kids = more middle-of-the-night interruptions! Well worth the trade-off, though.
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