I dropped a can on top of my foot. A LARGE can of diced tomatoes. Right on top of my foot. I cannot believe how bad it hurt/hurts. Opened my pantry and moved something and the can fell. I always worry about this because I had it happen a long time ago and will always remember how sore my foot was.
I know this is random. But it is what's on my mind.
I had a similar experience When I moved into this house our fridge wouldn't fit in the space so it was in the living room and the handles were removed. I dropped the handle right on my foot. It hurt for months! I'm so sorry for you.
You could always borrow a wheelchair from work! ;)- I'd still be your friend and hang out with you!!
Ouch!! That happened to me once and I lost my toenail! Hope you foot feels better soon!
Just last week my 3-year-old was tossing a can of soup around, and I was telling him it was very dangerous and to please stop. He said, "why, Mom?" I said, "Because you could drop it on your toe or hurt someone else with it." He said, "OK Mom" and put it down. My husband came home about 5 minutes later from work, picked up the can and started tossing it around between hands. I was about to warn him like I did with my son, when it landed EXTREMELY hard on my foot. I cried! Not something you would think would hurt that bad, but it hurt for a really long time!!
Anyway, I relate. lol
OH NO!! was your glitter toe damaged!!!?
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