Monday, May 4, 2009


Today Kai was awarded (by his coach) MVP of his game...he got 2 people out back to back......I think it's called a double play...and he got a huge hit almost to the fence that got 2 kids to run was so much fun! Too bad the team ended up losing by ONE freakin point! Doesn't help that 13 yr. olds are ref'ing the that a word? anyway, I was proud of him....he was so excited!!! His team is improving each game and he really likes playing 1st base.....good job Kai!
I should also mention that Kase had his first football game on Saturday....and the other team didn't show up....sissy's..... :) it was raining, but on the paper it says they only cancel for EXTREME weather.... I also should add that myself and my friend Chiara were the only mom's there ....and we sat in the rain....but had fun....Juice and Kai got to help coach...and it turned out to be a practice.....since the game couldn't happen.....but kids had a blast! I will be sure to post pics. of his first will be cute for sure!


Chiara said...

Way to go Kai! I'm so impressed. Mason got HIT by the ball when he was up to bat...TWICE! hahaha! Once in the head and once in the arm. You'd think he'd learn to duck when the ball is coming straight at him...but no...he just stands still like a statue!! :)

mIcHeLLe said...

yes! Kai was hit today too! and last game twice! I guess it's one way to get on base :( but it's no fun...poor Mason...that will hurt tomorrow.