Sunday, May 3, 2009

Kai is the proud owner of BrAcEs! $$

Well, here we go into the life of orthodontics $$ good thing we have a money tree growing in our yard for all these expenses......Kai got his braces is a 2 step process...this is great because instead of keeping them on for years.....he gets these on for less than a year...then watches what happens w/new teeth coming in, and then gets step 2...which may not be braces, may just be an appliance in his mouth......oh, and if you don't know ortho lingo...I don't mean a dishwasher or washing machine appliance...I mean..retainer. :) j/k..i'm sure you knew.

Well, he WAS excited to get them on...but the next day he was in tears...his mouth was so has only been less than a week and one of the teeth that were CLEAR up there in his mouth, is already pulled almost down where it needs to no wonder the pain....but it's getting better now.....and his orthodontist is's just in S.Jordan...Dr. Elison......every month if he does what he is suppossed to, he can earn entries into a monthly drawing....this month he put his in for the XBOX 360.....could have been a Barnes and Noble $250 gift card.....anyway, gives the kids lots of incentives to follow the rules....and boy has he! No soda, candy...etc.....he insists on following all the rules (this kid is NOT related to me :) ..but his dad had braces a few yrs. ago and was the same way.....also same orthodontist....

anyway he looks so cute with them on and brushes 3 times a day for 3 min. each...and flosses w/each brushing...and if you have had braces you know that flossing is extra tricky.


Chiara said...

Geez...I want one of those!! (a resposible kid that is) When he was at my house the other night he says, "Um, Chiara, can I call my mom and ask her if I can have a gummy worm." I about fell over!

mIcHeLLe said...

ha! that's funny....good boy Kai!!! Now, Kase on the other hand would be shoving as many as he can into his mouth...please God...let Kase have straight teeth because braces and Kase would NOT mix.....or maybe it would be good for him....hmmm.

headstrong em said...

Wow! A kid that is responsible and flosses! lucky you. I stumbled across your blog looking for other brace wearers to commiserate with (I'm 15 and have braces - ow!) anyway - cute kids. my mom bought the platypus flosser for me to floss with and that helps, but i still think braces are owie... your guy is inspiring! - emerson

Debbie said...

That would be impressive even without braces! What a kid.

mIcHeLLe said...

yeah, I think this is why they get them on BEFORE they are teenagers :) when all the responsibility goes down the drain.