Monday, April 13, 2009


Ok. So. we are in Las Vegas as a family, trying to have a budget friendly vacation. So last night we stay in our hotel room and hang out....I run down to the gift shop to buy my daughter a brownie so she stops whining for one...and while i'm husband lets the kids run around the room chasing each other and jumping from one bed to the next.

I get back from gift shop...give spoiled daughter her brownie. start cleaning up the disaster. and knock knock knock....."Security!" they say at the door.

I answer it....two security guards are standing there.
They say "is everyone ok?"
I say..."uh yeah, why?"
security says "we got a report that you guys were beating your kids up over here! The person identified YOUR room number"
I stand there laughing...which isn't a good that I think about it....
I said "uh no. my husband was in charge while I ran down to the gift shop"
the female security guard says "oh, I TOTALLY understand!"
that lady is a mom. and she gets it.
she knows that you leave the kids with dad...and...
it can become loud
and crazy
and out of control
and sound like children are getting beat.
but they're not.
just laughing, and fighting and whining.
but we're not beating them.
so then the security guard said "well, everything looks fine in here...we just are required to investigate all calls of possible abuse"
and I understood...and said thanks. She left. i shut the door.
then beat up my husband.


Lia said...

ha ha ha!! That's so funny!

Shay said...

very cute. hope the vaca was a blast. you are so frugal these days even budgeting a trip...

Chiara said...

hahaha! I'm still laughing about this story. Glad you blogged about it! I hope you gave Juice a serious beating!! ;)-

natterbee said...

I love this story! Very funny.