Love these two!

Kase is always trying to make people laugh and is really funny! Every picture I take of this child has to be w/some sort of silliness! love that about him!
Today is Kase's birthday!!! I cannot believe that my little boy is 7! Where has the time gone?
A little about Kase...
he is a smart little guy...loves, loves math and can figure out most math problems off the top of his head. He is a great friend to many kids in the neighborhood...his dream day would be running from house to house playing with all of his friends. He loves riding his electric scooter all over the see what kids are out playing. He loves tortellini, turkey sandwiches, and Honeycomb cereal. But he hates tomatoes and potatoes. He says they make him "throw up a little in my mouth"..... He could drink milk by the gallons. He is a simple kid and is happy with whatever he gets. He loves collecting stuffed animals and playing w/them on his bunk bed. He loves Club Penguin and Webkinz, and is an excellent basketball player! He knows every evolution of every Pokemon! He will be playing Flag Football this year for the first time. He is a real sweetheart and is going to be a heart breaker someday! I love Kase's innocence and his sweet heart. He is an artist, loves to create books and his dream is to be an illustrator one day.
Happy Birthday buddy!!
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