Wednesday, April 15, 2009

being a mom sucks sometimes. sometimes.

ok. gotta complain about my day yesterday.
So, remember we just got back from a trip and have a lot of crap to put away and laundry to do...well, yesterday Kase woke up saying his throat hurt! what? no. you didn't just say that. so, add dr. to my list. Get Kai off to school, Kase stays home....go back to Kai's school after an hour and check him out to take him (and his two grumpy siblings) to the spend an hr. there....and $200....done. then realize it's the middle of his lunch time, so now he needs lunch before he goes back...ok, get lunch. then drive him back to school...(and he's grumpy by the way because his mouth hurts...oh and is wearing SHORTS to school and refuses to let me run by the house to get his jeans..or ibuprofen) and learn....
then, run Kase and his tired sister to instacare to get his throat swabbed for strep, since Chloe just got over it....done. he has strep....but had a wonderful dr. this time and made it easy for us...thanks :). oh, and couldn't find my debit card, which i just had at the orthodontist, to pay my I had to beg them to see us, and promise to run the money over later...which I did....
so, Kase has strep and no tonsils. but I do have to say, since he was 3 this is only his 2nd time w/ that's ok....
then, take the prescription to Harmons...they say it will be an HOUR to get the meds...ugh. what do I do for an hr. w/a sick 6 yr. old and grumpy 4 yr. old? so I go home....pick up the drugs later....
then, realize I was suppossed to volunteer at Kai's school today..and now can't because I have a sick, Kai's more mad at me now.
then, run around the house and clean up easter grass that is everywhere...hate that stuff...ugh. and candy wrappers....oh and do laundry, dishes etc.
then load the kids back in the car to pick up the antibiotics....go there, and no. it's not done. what? (no, i didn't choke the pharmacist, but almost wiped strep germs all over his counter because I was so mad) they had our wrong insurance info. because they haven't filled for Kase in a while..and we had switched insurances.
so, go back home. more mad....
listen to the kids' whine because we have no groceries...since we just got home and i hadn't gone yet...just got a few things the day before, but not much.
oh well.
then. break up fights between Chloe and Kase for a few hrs...because she is fine and bugging him. and they fight over what to watch on tv.
then my husband calls and says he has to work late.
then I cry.
not really.
but I wanted to
then figure out who Kai will walk home with since Kase isn't at school, then decide he'll figure it out himself...and he did.
round up Kai's scout uniform. oh but can't find his book and he was very upset to go to scouts w/out his book. but good lesson in responsiblitiy, right?
again, kai is grumpy because his mouth hurts....drug him up w/ibuprofen....but still is grumpy til it kicks in.
then figure out dinner....which is lame because i didn't grocery shop yet.
oh, after Kai's scouts he was suppossed to have baseball practice...and thank goodness for the rain, as it was cancelled....but not until the last minute. of course.

juice is home. finally. i give him a kiss. then attempt to run out the door to go to bunco. halleluiah! but as i'm walking out the door, I got a nice big messy frozen lasagne kiss from Chloe all over my shirt.
change shirt. try not to get mad and hurt her feelings.
still don't have the antibiotics for Kase.
and need my $10 for bunco.
go to atm. get money for bunco.
have fun at bunco.
WON $25! woohoo!!
leave bunco in a horrid rain storm.
can't see where i'm going and get on 3900s. with no freeway entrance. so drive all the way home down redwood rd. ugh.
hurry into harmons before pharmacy closes.
get prescription.
and spend my $25 on cereal, bananas, oj, milk, bread, yogurt and pop tarts. fun. exactly how i was hoping to spend my $$. nOt.

come home. so tired.
wake Kase up and force antibiotics down his throat, which he spit out all over his pillow. flip his pillow over. i'll change it later. (bad mom move) give him another dose. squeeze his cheeks together til he swallows. and he goes back to sleep.
my husband is asleep.
and then I go to bed.
wake up.
and think....sheesh. being a mom is a LOT of work.
of course I wouldn't change it.
but why can't I sit on the couch, watch soaps and eat bon bons once in a while??
oh, and Kai woke up this morning happy. so we're good...
for now.


Kara said...

you just made me more grateful for my day :) Thanks! Hope things look up for you!

Lia said...

I guess you could be glad it didn't happen like this on a baseball day?!! I hear ya, sometimes it feels like a three ring circus and the best made plans are thrown out the window!! I STILL haven't gone grocery shopping for this week!!

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

love you m! you made my day. The glass jar of home made marinara that porter THREW on the wood floor shattering it and even chipping the wood just doesnt seem THAT bad now =)

natterbee said...

Your blog reminded me of the book, "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day". Some days are like that...even in Australia.

I can so relate. I've never documented the day like you did, but I so want to show your blog to my hubby so he will understand why some days are so exhausting but I can't really explain why. Great writing, by the way.

Eliza said...


Amy Jaten said...

dude. i need a nap after that one! whew.