Card #2 is paid off...first it was we have paid off a Visa...didn't have much on it, but it is GONE....$253.46. Amazing what you can do when you cut back and stick all your extra money on your debt.....
also, if I haven't said it Dave Ramsey's Total Money is great! I don't know one person that doesn't have any probably have a house, or a car, or student loans, or credit cards...etc....and if you do, read this really, really can help you focus on paying stuff off for good. We are cash only here at our house, and it is wonderful.....this book also helps you figure out how to pay your house off the quickest, if that is your only debt you have left...and how to build your emergency fund, and how much money to be tucking away for your retirement....etc.....
anyway, woo hoo!!!
Now onto card #3....ha, don't worry, there aren't too many more....
This is definitely the safest course for your money investment, especially now. You can't lose paying off consumer debt. I love Dave Ramsey - he does have sound advice. Congratulations on continuing to work on such a worthy goal!
I love Dave Ramsey too! I got his book a few years ago. I have tried to stick to his plan but always stray. But, I don't do credit anymore on anything. If you didn't know, he has a radio show on AM radio on 570KNRS and he's on weeknights at 7pm. Check it out. I find it very interesting! Keep up the good work!
Way to go! My wife wants me to take her to Dave Ramsey when he comes to SLC. I think I need to read his book first.
Yeah for you! We love Dave Ramsey...well at least the results, it can be tough! We even TiVo him!
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