Monday, March 16, 2009

Rollerskating Chloe....

Chloe rollerskates all day....around and around and around....and then to unload the dishwasher (one of her chores) and around some more...then when she takes them off...if someone comes over that hasn't seen her rollerskate....back on they go...and around and around she goes.....she can even do twirls on skates...

and this is a picture of two of Chloe's girlfriends...she loves these girls and has made a bunch of great friends in this neighborhood...every time they are together they all immediately go to the dress-ups and get in their favorite princess dress....this on the table is the princess castle that they built...they were so proud and wanted their picture taken w/it! :)


Lia said...

Love the skates. I just learned how lastnight!! Kowhai taught me. I kinda looked funny out there, but I did it! Chloe's always so cute. I loved the clip of her singing while she's unloading the dish washer. Wish my kids still had that attitude toward their chores!

mIcHeLLe said...

yeah, but did you notice that she got ONE cup put away....

Brooke said...

Where did you get those skates? She is so stinkin' cute. I had fun with you today. Thanks for chatting.

Annelise said...

How cute. I had to laugh at the picture of the Loewen girls because they came over the other day and they were bored out of their minds. Maybe I should get some dress ups.