Monday, February 9, 2009

some people attract negativity.

I'm just saying......things happen...some bad, some good.....what effort are you really making to make things better for yourself? really? some people just need to take life by the reins and move forward.....stop feeling sorry for themselves and create something positive in your life. Noone's going to do it for's called The Law of Attraction....there is a great book, and even better DVD that explains this in detail. The Secret. Envision how you want your life to be and shoot for the stars. Stop thinking that this is just your life and how it's going to be....make something of yourself.....really.....go back to school, learn a new trade, move, get rid of toxic friends....improve your health, take care of you!

I know times right now are tough, but there is always something positive you can be doing with your life, no matter how much money you have. And look at your personality and what you have done in the past, and if it's not working for you ....change it!! There are a lot of people out there that attract chaos to their lives and disfunction. If you don't know what I am talking about, watch this DVD or read the book....I highly recommend it...It may be a huge eye-opener for a lot of people.

It really, really helped me weed out some toxic friends in my life that were just negative...only concerned about themselves, kind of people....anyway, highly recommend it......


Cindy said...

Hi Michelle,
I loved your comments on this. You are so right and especially during these hard times. Hopefully the people who really need to will read this!!

natterbee said...

Not having read the book, I completely agree with you! No matter what your position in life, it really is up to you what you make of it! I heard once in a high school class about a study that was done. Those that believed that you just get what you're dealt in life were considerably less happy than those that felt they could make changes to make themselves happy. Of course, depression is a very real thing that can be helped tremendously with medication and such, but there really is no substitute for choosing happiness.