Current Due $0.00
Current Balance $0.00
Payment Due Date
Last Statement Balance $4,469.15
Last Payment Received ( Feb 6, 2009 ) $3,954.60
Late Amount $0.00
Available Credit $6,000.00
Credit Limit $6,000.00
we are not closing this account, because we were told to leave it open, just get rid of the card etc...because if you close it your credit gets we won't be using that available credit.....but sure is nice to see all those 0.00's! woohoo!
Hooray!!! It's the best feeling to pay off debt:)
Yes! I just love getting the "we miss you letters" from RC Willey. I have mostly just purchased with cash but they still keep trying to trap me. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be able to furnish my house there, but I love tossing their $100 off coupons in the trash too.
Good for you, Michelle! I am encouraged by you. We have such a long way to go, but I hope to someday see those zeros...what a great feeling it must be.
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