So I have probably gotten about 2 shifts at the hospital in the last 3-4 months...really. And there is a light at the end of the tunnel! The hospital is packed full of kids now...(I don't mean this out of disrespect to anyone that has their child up there) and on my unit they are double bunking kids, and have a few rooming in "non-traditional" rooms...like treatment rooms...etc....I also have had 3 phone calls today asking if I can come into work...and if I had someone to watch my kids at 1pm, I would have gone.....but am pretty sure now that I will be able to get the 20+ hrs. a week I have signed up for...woohoo! I will never again take for granted my job. It has been a rough 4 months...and never ever has it been this way up at Primary..since I started there 10 yrs. ago....the case has always been that they are calling me daily to see if I can work that night...and I have to turn them down all the time....and I pretty much didn't think I would have a problem w/my job...but I have learned that noone is immune from this. If you have a job, be greatful...because they are hard to come by right now.
I also will be hording my money because you never know when it will get like this again.....
Yeah! Can't wait to get up there and see those cute little faces!
Good for you! I'm glad you're getting shifts...it's funny because for some reason I'm still on their calling list, so I've been getting calls too (I guess I'm too lazy to call them to get it fixed). Must be busy! I can't believe you haven't worked in 4 months. I've thought about coming back to PCMC while Jesse's gone because working is so good for my stay-at-home-mom brain, but seeing how it's been, I wouldn't get shifts either!
Hope you save up for something fun! :)
I can't believe your excited for work. I am grateful for my job also but the kids are so sick, it hit at a wierd time and we are packed. We were joking that with the schedule we should put a post it that says just be happy you are on the schedule:) Maybe I will see you there!!!!
I am sure you are the best nurse for those little kids. Your enthusiasm is contagious and I'm sure you are really wonderful with the parents, too. When little Avery was in the NICU, I just dreaded finding out who the next nurse on would be, because they made all the difference in my life for the next 12 hours. The good ones made it so much easier and the bad ones made it so much harder. I hope you never forget the effect you have on those families.
I remember when Grandma J was in the hospital and you seemed so at ease with her lying there. You talked to her and fixed her blankets and did other things like that - things that I was so uncomfortable doing. I envied your ability to be comfortable in that environment.
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