Wednesday, January 21, 2009


well, we went to the dentist a while back...the dentist pulled a tooth of Kase's, and wanted to pull the top two front teeth because they are soooo small and not coming out....I said no, only pull one....since it was $80 a tooth to get it, the dentist pulled forward to New Years Eve.....we were broke after Christmas and made our own fun that night...which is actually what we always do on NY Eve....but this night I had the "wonderful" idea to let the kids do jumping tricks off the chair....well, after many successful jumps....Kase landed face first on the corner of the coffee table....and hit the table RIGHT ON HIS TWO FRONT TEETH that needed to come how lucky is that? wow! the teeth didn't pop out then, first there was LOTS of crying and blood....and I was a mess thinking we just hit permanant teeth...but when the blood was all cleaned up I saw that it was the front two teeth...and nothing else hurt...not even his chin....not a scrape! So, teeth were dangling and over the next two days, they came out.....woohoo!! I do have a guardian angel after all! And, saved myself $160!!! But trying to explain to Juice that it was a good thing that this happened...was hard.


Kara said...

good shot! That was pretty lucky, he should make you a deal and only charge the "tooth fairy" half what you would have had to pay the dentist...that's what I would have tried :)

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

K I had to hold back the vomit on that comment..."teeth dangling" but can he come over and teach Lily those cool moves... she has to get her bottom baby tooth pulled because her permanent tooth is coming in behind her baby one argh!