Friday, January 30, 2009


a great a bill was passed to allow more children to be covered under CHIP, to provide healthcare for them.....the pay scale was increased to almost 63,000. This is huge because there are people making decent money, but because other factors are still not paying for thier children's insurance because of the now this opens it up to more families that qualify.....I love that Obama is focusing on getting these kids covered...he really believes that this is a priority and I like that this was passed so quickly!
Orin Hatch, who was a supporter of CHIP, said in yesterday's newspaper that he didn't think taxpayers should be paying for health insurance for families that make $63,00. I disagree....a child is a child and they all need to be covered.....of course ideally it should be paid for by the parents, but it's not happening...and in the end the kids just need to be covered. Again, my opinion.

1 comment:

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

I totally AGREE!! Sometimes jobs dont offer benefits for families. We were on Chip when jake's job changed and we earned too much for medicaid... chip is awesome! And I am glad that now more children can get the health care they need and deserve regardless if their parents are middle class. Every child deserves health care... for free!