Friday, February 4, 2011

Pinewood Derby....

it is a right of passage for all parents of boys.
This was Kase's first year doing the derby for scouts..and he had so much fun. His car came in first in one heat...second in another...then fourth...he was SO SO excited and jumped around back and forth from the begining to the end of the was so cute. I LOVE the look on his face in that top picture...doesn't it say it all....he was watching his car come down the track. I'll have to take a picture of his car...but on the picture below (bad pictures) it's the 3rd
I REALLY need to start brining my camera and not rely on my dumb phone for photos...they are horrible.
Great job Kase!!! We love you..and he just loves scouts!
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1 comment:

ashley g. said...

I loved the reverence and pride he had for his car that night. When he handed it to me the first time to put on the table, it was like he was handing me a golden newborn baby. That Kase is AWESOME!