Monday, January 10, 2011

Today I shopped with the Grocery Guru...

and I learned SO SO much...and saved
TONS of money on groceries.
I'll post more about it it's very late..
and my brain is fried.
After a fun evening w/friends...
and a day w/the oh so cute
Grocery Guru.

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ashley g. said...

MAN! His coupon clipping and shopping skills make him so... attractive? Maybe that's not quite the word I'm looking for...

Very cool!!

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

I just signed up for Jan 27 at the west valley smiths... 4100 south 5600 west. We will see if the food is better.

The Didericksen's said...

So is it free to sign up just pay for your grocerys?

mIcHeLLe said... changes every week...the guy that was with me said some weeks it's tons of fresh food/meats etc..and some weeks it's lots of boxed foods etc... did you sign up online or call? I didn't think you could sign up until the Sat. before?
I can go every Monday now because I tipped him $ maybe i'll show up to that one too :) just call...801-250-2884 and you just show follow him around, he tells you what to can't get more..but you don't have to get everything he says...if your family doesn't eat it...don't get're bound to save some money no matter what...just depends what's on sale that week. I am for sure going the week before the Super Bowl...lots of sales then.