Monday, January 31, 2011


What did you do in 2010 that you have never done before?

Took my kids to the day ever.

Did anyone close to you give birth?

Yes. Me. and many friends.

Did anyone close to you die?

Yes, my mother's father (my grandfather)

What countries did you visit?

The U. S. of A.

What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?

More "Me" time..and more time w/my husband.

What date from 2010 will be etched in your memory and why?

April 30th. The day our baby boy was born. And the 5 days in the hospital after w/my husband and our new baby...we had some good talks..and had a great time getting to know our new little guy.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Giving birth to a healthy baby boy...Helping my baby to learn to fall asleep on his own in his crib...sleep through the night...and get on a good nap schedule (This is a huge achievement for a mother).

What was your biggest failure?

oh there are many. there really were. many that most people don't know about...that I beat myself up over...however I have learned to do the best I can and to learn from mistakes...and if there is something I can teach my children from my mistakes, then I will.

Did you suffer any illness or injury?

is pregnancy an illness/injury? sure felt like it those last few weeks!

What was the best thing you bought?

now this is funny....because 2010 for us was the year of NOT buying anything. i'm not kidding. I really am trying to think of something we bought....I would have to say our vacation in October. That was our biggest expense by far...however proud to say that it was paid for in cash :)

What did you get really, really, really excited about?

Watching our kids with our new baby...he is still the funnest thing in the world to them...we have included them in everything from day one...and it has paid off. They adore him and genuinely want to do everything for him...they find pleasure in the simplest things he does...and I just love watching them all together.

What song will always remind you of 2010?

Ugh. unfortunately Willow Smith's "I Whip My Hair Back and Forth"....hate that song....It is one that I can hear on accident and never get out of my head...yuck.

Where did most of your money go?

paying off bills. paying off bills. trying to be debt free.

Compared to this time last year are you: richer, nicer, happier?

I am richer because we are smarter with our money. We know where EVERY penny is going.
I am nicer because I am no longer pregnant.
I am happier than last year because I am alive...and everyday that I am alive..I am happy.  Something I have ALWAYS believed in is that YOU are in charge of your own happiness. You don't say "so and so doesn't make me happy"  you are not a victim. If you are not happy, do something about it. Don't let anyone take your happy!

What do you wish you'd done more of?

reading, exercising

What do you wish you'd done less of?

Worrying. I spent a large portion of this last year worrying about many things...and everything now is falling into place..and our hard work is paying off.  I am really working on not worrying...and just taking life a day at a time and focusing on what I CAN do something about.

How did you spend Christmas?

as a family. with family. the best way.
also got to spend Christmas with Juice's grandmother for the first time ever. it was so much fun.

Did you fall in love in 2010?

yep. 9 months ago today I fell in love with a little 8 lb 2 oz baby boy...and am more and more in love each day.

What was your favorite TV program?

anything on the Food Network or Bravo. I don't watch one minute of TV until the kids are asleep in bed. Mostly because I don't like to be interrupted a million times ;) but also because life is too busy for TV during the night I will watch brainless them.

What was the best book you read this year?

Peace Like a River

What was your favorite film of the year?

oh gosh. we are bad at seeing movies. hmmmm Tangled?

What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?

I turned 36. My entire family went to Cheesecake daughter Chloe had the day off of school because it was a Friday and we went out shopping and to lunch that day. Perfect day.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept for 2010?

fashion? hmmm...maternity clothes....then post maternity clothes...and now trying to find some fashion.

What kept you sane?

my husband and kids. parents. neighbors and friends.

Who do you miss?

I miss my grandma and grandpa J. I would give anything to have my kids meet them and have Coke and crackers and cheese at their house. So glad my husband got to meet my grandmother (great). I tell the kids about them all the time. I made saltines w/peanut butter on it the other day for Chloe and told her we used to do that at their was fun to pass the memories on to her.

Tell us a valuable lesson you learned in 2010?

I learned SOO many things this last year.
I learned that there is always room in your heart for another child.
I learned that the best times that we have spent as a family this past year were things we did at home that didn't cost a penny.
I learned that it's your UNDIVIDED attention that your children truly want. They want you to REALLY listen to them and not rush them along.
I learned that when you are on the exact same page w/your husband w/everything in life it brings you so much closer and your marriage so much stronger.
I learned to not judge people based on 2nd hand information...and that if I have a problem w/someone I will go directly to that person.
I learned that some people lie...and always will.
I learned that some people don't want you to be happy...and those people are not your friends.
I learned that I need to stay off the computer until my kids are in bed/napping-because they fall down the stairs when I am not watching....and also they are my priority.
I learned that you don't have to like everyone. But you really should be kind to people.
I learned that you REALLY never know what is going on in some one's home. There are many people out there that are not as they appear...and don't ever assume anything.
I learned how great it feels to give.
I learned how to admit failure...but then try again...and again.
I learned how important good friends are to my children...and love them all.
I learned that you really can live a life on a budget...even though it sucks.
I learned how nice it is to have parents that you can talk to about anything.
I learned how much my husband loves me...and how incredibly much I love him.


ashley g. said...

Michelle- you know what I LOVE about you? It's that you truly see yourself and you don't hide a thing. I feel like everything you wrote and I see (with my binoculars down the street) is exactly who I know as a friend and woman. You are genuine and real. You freakin' rock.

Kari Badell said...

You're my kind of gal. That budget thing gives me hope because that's our 2011. In 2010 I learned that life's not about who I'm friends with but rather what kind of friend I am. And what you said about happiness is exactly how I feel...and not being a victim. I try really hard not to let anyone determine how I feel about myself...and except for Jason, I'm pretty good at it...haha.

Can'trepliKate said...

That was one of the best things I have read in a while... and I am a reader! Consider your time well spent in sharing your life lessons because I learned a lot and I love you!
I bet you didn't even know I read your blog.... but I love it!

natterbee said...

I LOVE this list of things you learned last year. What a great idea. You are wise beyond your years! :)