Friday, December 24, 2010

I have all I could ever ask for for Christmas...

just tie a big fat BOW around my kids' neck...
here they are in their new Christmas jammies!
They are loving every moment w/their new baby brother Cash....
everything he babbles they say "Cash just said _________!" like spaghetti, horse, Peterson...etc...ha!

Everything that we have done around the Christmas season this year has been prefaced with "this is Cash's FIRST time ever picking out his own ornament" or "putting cookies out for Santa!" ....
Juice and I are so grateful to have 4 healthy/smart/beautiful children.

cute husband

Love Chloe and her pointy chin :)

Kase..who is THE BEST big brother to Cash.

goofy kids...just opened their Christmas jammies on Christmas Eve

Cash "opening his very first present EVER"..his Christmas jammies

Oh I LOVE this picture. those EYES! Kase and Cash on CHristmas Eve

oh how Cash love to eat pet the cat Whiskers.


my other heart (I have two hearts)...even if he does play w/his phone too much :)
ANd that's allll I ever, ever want for Christmas.

1 comment:

ashley g. said...

You weren't kidding when you said that Cash looks like Kase- their likeness is uncanny!

I'd say you got spoiled this Christmas, my friend. You deserve it.